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Shiatsu Congress Edinburgh

Dawn Oei

The recent Shiatsu Congress in Edinburgh (27-29 April 2018) was a special gathering that was full of heart, generosity and trust. I am always grateful for Adam Hellinger's Chi Kung classes which were a beautiful start to each day. It was great to re-connect with shiatsu colleagues and make new friends. Laura Davison’s workshop on “Touching where Touch is difficult” showed a lovely way to connect through the fascia and meridians. Nicola Ley embodied the theme, “Linking the Spiritual and the Physical”. We opened up to the Qi of the Heavens. How amazing was that. The “Proprioceptive and Somatic Exercises” by Kindy Kaur and Liz Arundel were a powerful resource that we as practitioners can always return to in our own self-development and in our wish to be honest and sincere with ourselves and in our practice. Kate Burford’s workshop on the menopause and shiatsu was very nourishing and a beautiful end to the weekend. We looked at the Eastern view of the menopause as a time of change and opportunity towards a new spring: supporting ourselves and our clients. Kate showed us how to use good quality essential oils to support meridian points KD1, KD3, SP6, HP8 to nourish our Qi, Jing and Kidney energy. We also got into pairs and treated the Heart-Uterus, acknowleding where we have come from. Such warmth.

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